Yvonne Jones - Private Financial Club: Soft or Hard Proof of Funds?
Posted On 09/17/2011 05:33:09 by dreamjob

Yvonne Jones - Private Financial Club: The "Honey of Money"

Soft or Hard Proof of Funds?

Yvonne Jones - Private Financial Club: The "Honey of Money" - Answers: Soft or Hard Proof of Funds - When to Use Them

Are you a Real Estate Investor who is puzzled about Proof of Funds, when to use them, and which one to use?

Question: Soft or Hard Proof of Funds - When to Use Them?

Answer: Hard or Soft PROOF OF FUNDS

Hard Proof of Funds: Hard Proof of Funds is used when you need to show verification of funds in a bank or escrow account, in your company’s name, for a particular project, for a required dollar amount, and for a certain period of time.

Soft Proof of Funds: Attorney's Soft, Proof of Funds Letters are typically used for securing a contract and are more affordable then moving Hard Money into a bank or escrow account.

Some banks and sellers may require either one or both; and if you are not prepared to provide Proof of Funds quickly, you may run the risk of effecting your credibility in a negative way; which in turn, may cause them to overlook your offer for another bidder; so, it is imperative to be ready to provide a Proof of Funds.

A "Low Ball Offer" backed up by a strong Proof of Funds Letter or Bank Account can beat a higher bidder who can only provide a “Pre-Approval” Letter. So, make sure you know the difference, and what is required by the seller.

Private Financial Club can provide both hard and/or soft Proof of funds for serious investors.

Ask about our professional, Attorney’s Soft Proof of Funds Letters to secure a contract and get you started.

You're Invited!

CEO and Owner, Yvonne Jones of Private Financial Club invites you to visit their LinkedIn Group below:

Proof of Funds / Transactional Funding / REO’s / Bank Guarantees / SBLC's

PROOF OF FUNDS Hotline: 888-POF-1-USA / 312-525-0402



Yvonne Jones, CEO

Tags: Yvonne Jones Private Financial Club Proof Of Funds Bank Guarantees SBLC


Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

From: dreamjob
10/30/2011 21:49:40

Yvonne Jones – Private Financial Club's "Honey of Money" says: Get your commodity deals done with our Proof of Funds Special: $15MM POF for 30days = 1.5% ($225,000) or for 6 months at 1.25%/mth ($1,125,000) or for 12 months at 1%/mth ($1,800,000) 312-525-0402

From: dreamjob
10/20/2011 00:51:55

Yvonne Jones - Private Financial Club "The Honey of
Money" is offering a Proof of Funds Special: $1.5MM for 30 days at 3%
($45,000.00) or $100MM for 30 days at .5% ($500,000.00)

Call the Proof of Funds Hotline to get YOUR
boutique Proof of Funds Pricing: 312-525-0402 

From: dreamjob
10/14/2011 05:45:01

Yvonne Jones - Private Financial Club – The Honey of Money say: “BE THE BANK”! Less Work; Less Risk; MORE Profits!


Stock Market
Got You Up-Down, Up-Down? Don’t know where to put your money? Or, are you a
Rehabber – always looking for money?  Now
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Call to get
the Insiders Secrets on how to BE THE BANK! 312-525-0402


What is YOUR Money doing between deals? Is it just sitting there doing nothing
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YOU call the


Do you have
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Is being a
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 “BE THE BANK”! Less Work; Less Risk; MORE


"YOU can
be either at the "HEAD OF THE LINE" passing out the money, or at the
back of the line begging for money - it's your choice!"



From: dreamjob
10/14/2011 05:30:29

Yvonne Jones - Private
Financial Club is Offering a Proof of Funds Special: $100MM at .5% for 30 days.
That’s only $500K for MILLIONS - FAST in YOUR Company’s Name, for YOUR Project.


Hard Proof of Funds: Hard Proof of Funds is used
when you need to show verification of funds in a bank account, in your
company’s name, for a particular dollar amount; either bank account or escrow


Soft Proof of Funds: Ask about our
professional, Attorney’s Soft Proof of Funds Letters to secure a
contract and get you started. Soft, Proof of Funds Letters are typically more
affordable then moving Hard Money into a bank account; and we provide both.


Do YOU know the difference? If not, we'll help you
sort that all out. If you need REAL CASH moved TODAY, on YOUR behalf,
referencing YOUR project, call us today at: 312-525-0402


Call to get your personal one-on-one boutique

Proof of Funds Hotline: 888-POF-1-USA /

Date Needed?

Amount required for the Account to be set up in?

What is the time period required?

Will this account require a SWIFT message to be sent to another location?

If it requires a SWIFT – which one?

Top banks – Domestic & Western European.

Are you the Broker or Principal?

Total Principals on Project?

Private Financial Club
Q&A Session

Start Time:
09/21/2017 at 02:00 PM Mountain Time

Cheyenne, Wyoming United States Conference call: 712-770-4010 #827477

For More Information Call:

Start Time:


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